Traveling Companion Needed
I went to the movie Yes Man at Christmas with friends. I do not normally go to movies of this kind, but I enjoyed it and think of it still. I find myself saying “yes” more often to things I intended to do eventually. I’m just doing them sooner. It’s all part of my quest for Bliss and my realization that there is only now.
My friend Martha is always the executive director of some health related non-profit. This year it’s Dani’s Foundation which focuses on Ewing’s Sarcoma.
Dani’s Foundation recently held a fund raising dinner with several hundred silent auction items. I started the bidding on four items and ‘won’ two of them, both on my “to do eventually” list: 1 week at a bed and breakfast in Hawaii and 3 nights in Napa Valley at the Meritage Resort– complete with airfare, limo tour, and wine train tour. Side note: it’s really a sign of our economy when the opening bid on items such as these are the winners. While there are some blackout dates, I essentially have until March 2010 to go on these journeys. People ask me when I’m going. I am not yet sure. I need to line up a traveling companion. While I can easily chill in Hawaii by myself for a week, I definitely want a wine loving traveling companion for Napa Valley. Let me know if you are interested…
For my birthday I finally got the Kindle 2. I’m currently reading Outliers
on it, another book by Malcolm Gladwell. Like one of his prior books, Blink, I am utterly enjoying this book. I cannot overstate how much I am enjoying my Kindle: it’s smaller than a trade paperback and with its Leather Cover
is much, much sexier.
I did not achieve the 6-pack abs I wanted for my birthday. I have been working out regularly – 5 or 6 times a week. However, for every 350 calories I’ve been burning off per workout, I’ve probably been eating an extra 600 or so. So, yes, I’m stronger and faster but also heavier. Oops. For the most part, my clothes are still fitting but I’m up a few pounds that need to be shed to see the muscle underneath. I currently belong to two athletic clubs. I really need to decide which one to stick with going forward.
While I have not been writing much on-line (my offline writing is going strong), this has been an amazingly good month. My friend who had the stroke last fall, is now almost fully recovered and back at work. To quote a physician friend of mine “Cathy I don’t believe in miracles, but A’s recovery is a true miracle.” Indeed. I went to her welcome back party earlier this month. I’ve never seen so many delighted people at a work event such as this.
Work has been insanely busy, but in a great way. We opened our annual business plan competition to the entire state of Colorado, not just our University family. So far, we’re getting terrific interest from the community. If you are a local reader and know someone who is starting a company, please have him or her contact me. Executive summaries are due April 16th so it’s not too late to participate. We award more than $100,000 in cash and in-kind awards to the winners. The CEO of one of our incubator companies has been working with me on my presentation skills. He used to do corporate training for public speaking among other things. Since I open each session, I will soon have ample video footage for him to review and critique. This is not exactly fun, but will eventually make me better.
Well, I’m always in for anything involving wine! 😉 So if you can’t find anyone else, I’d love to accompany you. You won BOTH of the things you were bidding on? I realize that the opening bids won from what you said, but did you plan on having more than one – or was that a complete surprise?
The Kindle, how do your eyes feel using that to read?
Thanks Kyra
So many folks are interested in the Napa trip!
And no, I didn’t expect to win. I would have bid up the Hawaii trip a bit but I certainly did not expect to get two trips. Can’t complain tho. Looking forward to both