Slaying Dragons
I recently sent a collection of children's fiction to a friend with young children. As I was looking through my library for age appropriate books, I flipped through Coraline by Neil Gaiman. I love the quote he put in the front:
Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten. -G. K. Chesterson
Whenever I feel like the challenges in my life are becoming overwhelming, I often turn to fiction where the challenges faced by the hero or heroine are far larger than those in my life. The one I have turned to most to is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Ender's ability to persevere when most would have given up, always helped me to put my own troubles into perspective.
I LOVE that quote. It may be my new favorite. My favorite stories are ones where the heroine thought she was weak, and in turn finds she was truly strong.