Merry Christmas 2013
Or should I say Happy Holidays?
I was walking by a City and County of Denver building recently – Santa was on the roof; elves were in a display case (left); as was the traditional baby Jesus in a manger with all of the wise men (right). I realize it ages me to admit I find this all a bit confusing. I was raised Protestant; my grandmother was a church organist among other things. I have traditional Christmas hymns and carols playing on this Christmas Eve. But I still find a religious (and Hallmark? um, secular?) displays on a public government building to be confusing. Separation of church and state? And don’t get me wrong, I love holiday displays…e.g. ( I just find it odd on/in US/State/City/County government buildings.

Most years I make and send a card for the holidays. This year I did not feel I’d done enough, traveled enough, been interesting enough to warrant printing & mailing something. And old friend emailed me yesterday inquiring of the CARD for HIS mantle. It’s not just that I skipped it, I left a bloody blank hole where something fun and interesting should have been. No pressure. I drafted him a version of this:
and he encouraged me to spread it far and wide. Done!
Photo by Thomas Toth (during a shoot-a-pallooza event). And side note: I thought this pretty much looked like me, but most who know me did not like it, at all. Of the set, some preferred this one (more subdued) but mostly none. And while my mom likes my current hair color she’s not sure about the style. Better feedback than I got in 2008 after I sent her a random photo and she wrote “It looks as if you had plastered your hair down with bear grease. I hope that you will choose a new hairstyle as soon as possible. At least you are smiling.” Ouch. And, sorry mom, I save everything (8/25/08) and what other email over the last 5 years would have “bear grease” as a search term! Makeover needed? Please send advice privately!
And still smiling.
Merry Christmas.