C3 Week 5
This was a week of eating and running. My running goals were entirely met: 8 mile long run; 20.6 miles total. I also pushed my speeds up on both of my HIIT runs. IT band started to feel great as the week progressed. I am hopeful for my long run Saturday.
My eating was another matter altogether. I did add more whole foods and fewer packets of Balance Go Mix as planned; however, in general I was constantly hungry this week. My free day was more excessive than normal due to the delicious dinner hosted by the Limb Preservation Foundation. I also celebrated my birthday this week with a dinner out. While my meal was largely authorized foods (peel and eat shrimp, tuna tartare, seared ahi tuna, steamed soy beans, & bok choy) I did splurge on sourdough bread with butter and a glass of red wine. Not so bad until the manager dropped off a free slice of blueberry covered New York Style Cheesecake. I did leave more than half of it behind but alas it has been a nutrient dense week. Average daily calories were 2214 (an extra 1400 calories this week compared to the last 4 weeks) with a breakdown of 36% protein, 39% carbohydrate, and 25% fat. Weight is up a bit this week (129.4 lbs; 18.8% body fat according to my Omron; no change in measurements). Not sure whether it is the excess calories, taking creatine or being PMS.
Goals for Week 6
Running: Long Run of 6 to 10 miles; total mileage of 20 to 22 miles. If my IT band starts to hurt on the long run I will stop running or stop and stretch to see whether that alleviates the problem. I am not going to run through the pain again to hit my distance goal.
Eating: Get daily nutrition back down toward 1800 to 2000 calories; keep adding more whole foods. Keep an eye on the scale to monitor weight increase of this week.
Training Schedule: I still like the 3 days of weights, 4 days of running plan. I did add a short run after my weight workout today. I think that as I increase my mileage for my half and full marathon training that I will need 5 days of running in at least some weeks.
Thanks Kyra. 🙂