30 Days of Blogging

We are finally at the end of the 30 Day #BlogPals19 Challenge. I think only three of us stuck out the whole 30 days: Clay, Dave and me. I link to Clay’s work frequently, but I didn’t know Dave at all before this started. He’s a quality writer who isn’t afraid to share his own truths and quirks. I especially liked his post on transient friendships.

I had an interaction this week that reminded me of these words of wisdom from Maya Angelou, “When people show you who they are, believe them.”

There is so much power in this knowledge, and it can really cut through the wishful thinking! I ended up deleting 1,494 (true number) text messages from the past month after my moment of clarity. Even if I was half of that, that’s ~750 texts in ~30 days! When did I have time for that? Stupid dopamine loop. Clearly there was a disturbance in the force.

It was a lot harder than I thought it would be to find something to write about each day. Some of my posts are definitely better than others, at least to me. Your mileage may vary! Here’s what I made this month all in one place. Enjoy!